I didn't do anything today
I just laid in bed
Rolling around
My legs draped across each other
As if I were my own muse
And the paintbrush
And as if my sheets were my canvas
And my body painted across it with nothingness
In little whispers
And manly farts
I didn't do anything today, at all
The sun must've come up a while ago
I was too busy doing nothing to notice
I slowly started putting my washing away
And I rolled back into bed between each type of clothing
As if it was some great chore
As if I was sysiphus on the hill
I kept laying on my bed
Again and again
Lustfully so
Bathing in it's 70% polyester 30% cotton
Pillow cases and blankets
In the frenzy of a famished lover
I dived head first into temporary slumbers
Again and again
In big leaps
And bounds
Wishing this moment would last forever
I dreamt of big sleeps
And little snoozes
And that's all I did today
Sweet fuck all,
And absolutely, nothing at all.
Baby sparky
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