hand rail


On the tram
In the distance I saw
The sunset
And seashores

On the tram
I was bored
I looked to my right
Out the window

On the tram
As if an alien abroad
I was feeling
Nice, yet alone


Count the hairs
on the back of my head
my haircut makes people stare
for the back is longer than the rest

Trace the lines
On my palm
For I'm trying
To push you away, with crossed arms

Trace the scars
On my heart
For I only tell the truth
And hurting, my art

Scrape apart
On my heart
For my expression is brute
I'm scared to lose, so I'm scared to start


On the tram
I saw
Million versions of myself
And us

On the tram
I saw my hand
Holding on to the rail

On the tram
No us
Just me
And my complete self

The carriage had no
Wheels or swivel doors
But I'm proud to say
This is the best I've ever done

Baby Sparky
