
I'm terrified
That all my fantasies are without meaning
That all my cerebral contractions , lathered up in essential cognitive oils and sticks of neurons..
Are without meaning and sense,
That my naivity is irrational,
And that my innocence is insane.
I'm terrified.

I'm scared shitless that my expectations of all euphoria is without strength,
And without the courage that I need to face life,
Without any potential of success,
and manhood.

I'm so scared,
That if I were to hold your hand,
That I'll fall apart,
That they will hit us both with rocks and stones, 
And lightning and hell fire 

For no reason at all,
Neither moral, nor just,

And im so scared,
That we are both so foolish enough,
To still want to do so,
Again, and again, and again.

Xx baby sparky 
